
I have a background in community mental health centers. Today, I work as a individual and group psychotherapist in Denver (LPCC), and am currently accepting new patients.

Additionally, I do community organizing around philosophical and psychoanalytic themes, including reading groups, seminars, and communal engagements. I founded Denver Theory Society in 2023 to facilitate this work.


Psychotherapy is an engaged process of being confronted with oneself with the help of an active listener. The way that I practice is grounded in psychoanalysis as taught by Freud, Lacan, and Winnicott and is informed by the Lacanian Compass. while also utilizing cognitive, emotional, and mindful techniques to address behavioral problems.

This approach allows us to work together to manage both pressing issues (e.g., panic attacks or binge drinking) while also addressing the deeper and more complex pangs of existence that drive these issues. Freud taught that symptoms are not problems in themselves, they are attempts at a solution. In psychotherapy, we work to find less painful solutions by employing understanding, compassion, and curiosity.

Previous/Ongoing/Upcoming Work

Denver Theory Society: a space for philosophical, literary, and political exploration within the Denver area. (ongoing)

Intervals: local philosophical, critical, and literary magazine. (ongoing)

Series in Clinical Structures: seminar on diagnosis from a psychoanalytic orientation given in conjunction with Michael McAndrews at Angel Eyes Counseling. (summer 2024)

In Search of Absence: a year-long seminar series on the problem of non-being/absence/negation in the fields of theology, psychoanalysis, and philosophy. (upcoming, spring 2025)

Consultation: mental health, psychosocial, and sociological consulting services.


Carroll, S. (2024) “The Intelligibility of Addiction: A Psychoanalytic Approach.” Lacunae (27).

Carroll, S. (2022) "Notes on Language in the Clinic in a Lacanian Key." Counseling and Family Therapy Scholarship Review (4)2.

Carroll, S. (2020) “On the Postmodern Condition.” UTSA Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Work (7).


Join us on the first Sunday of the month to take a fresh look at old parables and stories to see what they might offer us here, today.

Monthly meeting space for clinicians of all stripes to discuss issues of technique in the consulting room. Balanced space of reading and consultation.

Series of essays and seminars addressing the problem of nothingness/lack/void from psychoanalytic, theological, and philosophical perspectives.

A space to hold reading groups, host seminars, and build community around shared interest in the humanities.